$BURD is listed on PancakeSwap
Yes! We have been audited – both an automated audit and a line-by-line scrutiny and we have a passing score of 10 out 10!!
You can view the audit results here!
Because we are not a meme coin: we are a business. tudaBirds and the BURD token are economically sustainable because we are operating a traditional business model, with services to users available for a fee.
Net operating revenues will be targeted to build additional liquidity and drive development and operations, with net profits directed at maintaining token strength whilst rewarding users providing earnings for unReal Estate NFT holders.
Our NFTs will be minted on BSC Polygon or ETH
All NFTs will have a 7.5% royalty structure, with 2.5% redistributed to $BURD holders, 2.5% to NFB holders and 2.5% retained for metaNest operations and growth.
Terms & Conditions
©️tudaBirds.io 2021 – 2023