tudaFarm Info

tudaFarm Lobby

farm farm

Yield Farming Overview

tudaFarm Demo


Yield Farming In DeFi – A Complete Guide – OpenGeeksLab

tudaFarm FAQ

tudaFarm will operate on a First-in First-out basis

APR will be in the range of 120% ~ 285%

A minimum of 120% APR will be maintained while tudaFarm is open

Yield rewards will be earned in $BURD

Farmed tokens are subject to a 30 day lock

$BURD reward and earnings are based by time by staking wallet address: the lock period for each wallet starts from the time of the latest stake from that wallet

Available at https://metanest.tudabirds.io/farmwhitelist/

100 application limit

Participants will be given private access to the whitelist 24 hours prior to the Public

Whitelist participants will be invited to a Private Telegram update for news, updates and the 24-hour advance notice announcement


  1. BNB/BURD LP token
  2. BNB

BNB/BURD Investors must create BURD/BNB LP tokens for deposit into tudaFarm (see Yield Farm Help page for a video explaining how to stake and unstake LP tokens at PancakeSwap)

BNB investors: the tudaFarm system will automatically add liquidity, create LP tokens and stake them. Investors will be responsible for unstaking their LP tokens after exiting the farm.

Increased value of token

$BURD holders have passive revenue share of 66% of all earning

$BURD holders earn 1/3 of all after-market NFT trades

Project is designing a token-based Governance element for current and future games and metaNest decisions

New and forthcoming partnerships will include cross-project Token and NFT collaborations

The tudaBirds project team are in current negotiations to list on at least one more CEX with additional DEX listings also under consideration.